Berlokasi di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara, Pantai Minanga memiliki panjang pantai 2,6 KM. Selain air lautnya yang biru, lebar luasan pasir putih dari daratan hingga bibir pantai mencapai 50 meter.Wisatawan yang berkunjung di tempat ini ditempuh dengan jarak 104 Km Dari Pusat Kota, atau sekitar 3 Jam Perjalanan
Located in North Gorontalo regency, this beach has a length of 2,6km starts from the river estuary of Andagile until the beach cape. Besides the bluish water of the sea, the width of the white sand from the surface until the seashore is 50 meters. The tourist who wants to visit this beach has to spend at least 3 hours trip because of the 104km mileage from the downtown.
Desa Kotajin Utara, Kecamatan Atinggola, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara
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