G o r o n t a l o
  • Minggu, 26 Januari 2025 / 19:29:17

Museum Pendaratan Soekarno / Iluta


Museum Pendaratan Soekarno / Iluta

Museum Pendaratan Pesawat Amphibi Bung Karno merupakan cagar budaya yang terletak di Desa Iluta, Kecamatan Batudaa, yang dapat ditempuh 15 menit dari pusat Kota Gorontalo dengan jarak tempuh 9,5 Km. Di museum ini, tersimpan dokumentasi kedatangan Presiden Pertama RI Ir. Soekarno ke Gorontalo dan barang-barang kuno bersejarah. Karena museum ini terletak tepat ditepian Danau Limboto yang memiliki keindahan alam yang sejuk dan tenang sambil memancing ikan di pondok-pondok yang ada disekitar museum.


The museum of the Landing of Ampibi plane of Soekarno is the cultural heritage which is being addressed in Iluta Village, Batudaa sub district, which we only 15 minutes trip to get there from the downtown by th mileage of 19km. In this museum, stored a documentations of the arrival of the first president of Indonesia, engineer Soekarno to Gorontalo. There are also some historical objects related to the president himself. Because of this museum located exactly in edge of Limboto lake which has a great view and calm atmosphere. This place is also good for fishing because there are few cottages around.


Desa Iluta, Kabupaten Gorontalo

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